Welcome to The X-Fidos Flyball Team
Run Fast. Catch Ball. Repeat.
We are a Portland, Oregon based team. We currently practice in Newberg, Oregon. We train throughout the year and compete in tournaments in Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. We are a group of humans united by a passion to play a sport with our dogs that ignites their brains, their bodies and their bond with their handler.
What is Flyball?
Flyball races match two teams of four dogs each, racing in parallel lane over a 51-foot-long course. Each dog must run in relay fashion over four hurdles, trigger a spring-loaded box, releasing a ball, retrieve the ball, and return over the hurdles. The next dog is released to run the course but can't cross the start/finish line until the previous dog has returned over all 4 hurdles and reached the start/finish line while carrying the ball. The first team to have all 4 dogs finish the course without error wins the heat.
Flyball is best demonstrated in video. Here is a video of the X-Fidos in the right (near) lane vs. Portland Tail Blazers in the left lane from July 9th 2024 at the Run Free Tournament in Chilliwack, British Columbia.